
Three Face Pokemon

This Pokemon can bind the water as they like. They can walk in the water and use it as a weapon.


Accept my power...!!!

Bone Weapon

Pikachu trained the Rhynomon to attack the enemy with a bone. But, this is not an ordinary bone. Once the enemy get attack with this bone, they will lose their power!

Second Transformation!

Look at their body when they get transform... They will appear very different with their latest body. More power and more weapons... Are you ready to fight with them?

Pikachu in Action!

Cheer up your day by coloring this page. Pikachu will always smile to you and give you a funny attractions. Also Pikachu friends, they are so funny and cute...

Angry Pokemon

To get transformed... some Pokemon need to be angry first. Be careful if they show their anger and emotions. :)

Cute Pokemon Coloring Pages

Choose your favorite Pokemon and than make them full color. Use your creativity to color it. Once you colored your Pokemon, you will find it life...

Transformation Pokemon

When Pokemon transform to the higher level... they will get stronger and faster...

Ready To Fight!

We are ready to fight till the end of the world...


dRawinG miNi pokemoN

Five aLreadY to draW

miRRoR hanginG on The waLL

I wanT to be the besT I eveR haD

piKacHu in stYLe

KeeP sMiLinG GuYs

oPen the winGs



WheRe is oUr enemieS...

again: abRa coloring Page

abra ka dabraaaa......


SweeTiesT PokeMon cOLorinG paGes

JumP...JumP..uP anD down...

ShinY PokemoN


PokeMon CoLorinG pages

ELecTricaL PokemoN...

Let'S starT CoLorinG pokemOn

HoReee....caTcH thEm frieNd...

BLind Pokemon CoLorinG YouR paGes

Huhhhh.....ThundeRshocK NOW...

BuBbLe pokeMon

plaY wiTh u'R frEn..

draWinG anD colorinG paGes

yeaH....i'm reaDy to drawinG mY LoveLy pOkemon aT hoMe...

poKemon anD snaKe coloring page

Face to faCe...is already haPpen..wiThin two aNimaL...

turtle pokemon coloRonG paGes

oh babY...baBy..baBy
My babY...babY...babY.....

jumP pokemon colorinG pages

meow...Meoewww.....hiT me..HiT me...

wiTh snaKe pokemon colorinG paGes

Like a Snake buT i don't thinK so...How aboUt yoU...aRe yOu agRee wiTh me...

PoKemon frienD

VeRy LonG toUnge...BiG BoDY...

LoVe boNe pokemon coLorinG pages

keeP mY boNe from otheRs...hahahahaha.....

Pokemon's friend ColorinG paGes

it's me...caLL me VuLpiX...HeLLo...

sweeTy pokemon coLorinG paGes

So sweeT todaY,,,,i'm shy...whY??i don't understanD...
pLeasE don't be shY pokemoN..

double pokemon colorinG paGes

We aRe toGetheR...anD makE we sTronG frienD...
with Love anD peaCe....

pikachu coloring pages

JumP with onLy onE fooT...greaT...

PicHu pokemon ColorinG pageS

Look at me...so tiNy anD haPpy...

BeauTifuL pokemon CoLorinG paGes

CheeRfuL anD smaRt...Come oN guY's

ChaRiZ Pokemon coloRinG paGes

FiRe ouT froM cHariZaRd mouTh..

FrienDshiP pokemon coLorinG pAgEs

The BiG eYeS...You CaN see iT...


Pokemon Coloring The World

Use your imagination to coloring this page

Pikachu's Best Friend

Pikachu... I Choose You!

Coloring Pokemons

Choose your Pokemon and than color them by yourself!

Pikachu Coloring Pages

I'm ready to fight!

Let's go!